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Tipe Kepribadian


Mulai kepikiran saat baca-baca tentang INFJ di Quora. Sejenis ada rasa denial. Hingga nyoba tes di 3x dan 2x. Sampe mulek. Dan hasilnya tetep sama, INFJ. Haha. Baiqla. Kita lihat hasil tesnya.


INFJ - The Counselor


INFJs are creative nurturers with a strong sense of personal integrity and a drive to help others realize their potential. Creative and dedicated, they have a talent for helping others with original solutions to their personal challenges.

Your dominant energy style is Introversion.



As an Introvert, you are primarily focused inward, on your own thoughts, feelings, and experiences. Most of the time, you find it more energizing to be in quiet, peaceful surroundings than to be surrounded by noise or large groups of people. You tend to be reserved and keep your thoughts to yourself.

Your dominant cognitive style is Intuition.



As an Intuitive, you are primarily interested in ideas and possibilities. You tend to be bored by mundane details, preferring instead to look at the big picture and understand how everything fits together. You are drawn to interesting ideas and theories, and enjoy imagining the future. You naturally see patterns and connections and often have a "sixth sense" about things.

Your dominant values style is Feeling.



As a Feeler, you are driven by values of compassion, altruism, and cooperation. You tend to put the needs of others above your own, and always consider how to care for the people around you. You look for ways to work together with other people and accommodate them, and feel most comfortable in an environment of positive emotions.

Your dominant life management style is Judging.



As a Judger, you prefer to approach your life with a sense of structure and order. You like things planned and scheduled, and dislike unexpected changes. You tend to maintain systems of organization appreciate structured environments. It is important to you to follow through on your promises, and you consider yourself responsible and reliable.


Sebetulnya ada 2 lagi tipe kepribadian yang mungkin adalah aku, yaitu INTJ dan INFP. Tapi jika melihat persentase di atas yang paling sesuai memang adalah INFJ. Terus kok aku kaya insecure, become the rarest is not that good for me. Even, I'm feeling lonely. Apalagi Mamah aku malah nambahin, "Oh pantesan ti baheula teh. Naha meni teu umum jeung batur." It was sad, no, it is sad right now. Meski aku tau itu sedikit bercanda tapi ungkapan nyata. Hiks. :'((

Tapi coba kita dudukan lagi. Bukankah semua tidak apa-apa selama bertaqwa kepada Allah? Jika memang kepribadian dalam diri ini ada yang merupakan sebuah keburukan, bukankah Islam hadir untuk memperbaiki akhlak manusia hingga menjadi sebaik-baik manusia?

Memang tidak menjadi kebanyakan, menjadi seorang yang terasingkan bukan hal yang mudah. Tapi siapapun kamu, bagaimanapun kepribadianmu, selama kamu berusaha terus memperbaiki diri menjadi seorang hamba yang bertaqwa tidak ada yang berhak menilaimu, karena sebaik-baik penilai dan pemberi ganjaran hanyalah Allah. So, it's fine. It's okay to be different, because everyone is unique in their own way. MasyaaAllah tabaarakallaah.
